Saturday 6 April 2013

WHAT IS GOOD - baking at home

During the Easter break, I decided to get some primary research done in the form of home baking. I felt that this was necessary as it would allow me to relate to the target audience as well as gain a better understanding of my content. It also allowed me to face the problem of mess myself. An online recipe was followed in order to produce my baking products, and allow I wasn't faced with the problem of a messy publication, I still found my laptop covered in flour, and it became an issue when I had to scroll down. I was therefore able to pin point where certain issues were, and could then consider how I could go about solving them.

The recipe that I followed was a Mary Berry Victoria Sponge. From this, I used to ingredients in a way that would allow me to create a number of smaller cakes, as opposed to the full cake version. This shows how amateur bakers can take on board certain recipes and make them their own. 

Although the recipe wasn't the most difficult, it also allowed me to see how easy it was to follow certain steps, and how the recipe should be worded in order to appeal to the audience. 

Baking over the holidays was extremely therapeutic, and as I was on my own during the day, it gave me something to do as well as being something that I enjoyed. When my family returned home, I was then able to show them my efforts, and enjoyed the feeling of people being glad I spent my time doing this. It was also extremely satisfying to receive compliments on my baking, which is one of the reasons a lot of people take up home baking.

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