Wednesday 3 April 2013


Feel Good Drink's Five Golden Rules
1. Use natural ingredients 
2. No added sugar - fruit contains naturally occurring sugar which provides lovely long lasting energy rather than a short, sharp sugar spike
3. Fabulously fruity - one of your five a day in every bottle
4. Blends are best - all drinks are made from a blend of different fruits
5. Feel Good recycle - committed to moving as much of their packaging as possible into recycled materials - bottles are made with over 35% recycled glass

Products available

Feel Good cocktails
- buck's fizz, mojito, peach bellini
- one of your five a day
- 66% fruit juice

Feel Good water
- lime, pomegranate 
- low calorie spring water
- 21% fruit juice
- vitamins and minerals

Feel Good Kids
- blended from 2/3 juice and 1/3 water
- maximum refreshment
- no added sugar
- orange, pineapple and banana and blackcurrant, apple and grape
- brightly coloured cartons
- feel good doodles drawn on by kids

Still and Gently Sparkling Juice Drinks
- 375ml glass bottles
- one of your five a day
- 100% natural ingredients
- 60% fruit juice, grape, lemon, lime, acerola
- sparkling water and fruit extracts, natural flavours, natural stabilisers, fruit carob and pectin
- flavours include: cloudy lemon, orange and mango, cranberry and pomegranate, apple and blueberry
Feel Good drinks bottles featuring a shaped label that curves round with the fruit design. The same fruit illustration is used throughout the bottles, giving continuity to the designs, with changing colour scheme in order to suit the flavour. Colour is used cleverly in order to separate each drink, whilst keeping the overall aesthetics consistent. Using glass bottles makes the drink almost exclusive and limited, and makes up for the cost of the product. Although glass bottles are quite unusual, they are slightly impractical when it comes to being on the move or having to carry them around. They add weight to the product and may also be dangerous if broken. This makes them less ideal for children.
The larger bottles take a rather interesting format, flipping the label upside down, and using their well known 'Feel Good' logo. This mirrors the above label, allowing for continuity throughout a number of ranges. The bottles look exclusive, and worth the amount of money you pay for them. It is a nice feature to be able to see a large amount of the juice, as the fresh shades attract and draw customers in. A similar theme runs through these bottles in terms of colour use, using colour that reflects each flavour. 
The addition of the tab on top of cap is also a nice touch, and allows Feel Good to express an extra statement. 
The Feel Good Kid's range is much more appropriate for it's age range. The colours used are much more vivid, and the juice splash makes the overall aesthetics very playful and attractive to the younger audience. They have also made sure to include important information such as '1 of your 5 a day' and '100% natural ingredients' as these are things that will be catch parent's attention, knowing that the product is good for their children. Feel Good have also set up an online competition that allows children to enter their own doodles to the site with the possibility of them being used on their packaging.
Packaging for four sparkling drinks bottles that carry on the usual aesthetics of the Feel Good ranges. The bubbles are a nice touch, and give the sense of the bubbly nature. Illustrations are also used to add a playful and lighthearted feature to the packaging. 

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