Thursday 28 March 2013

UK GREETINGS - research and inspiration

During the development of my greetings card designs, I began to consider possible colour schemes. I had previously seen some work by Kate Bingaman-Burt that really appealed to me in terms of colour.

The above images are from a project title 'Show The Love'. Whilst the illustrative designs really stood out to me, it was the effective use of colour that caught my eye. With colour, I can really struggle sometimes, as I cannot picture an overall end product when I first start out. I tend to experiment a lot and end up becoming really frustrated when I cannot create the type of visual I had in mind. This is where Kate Bingaman-Burt's work inspired me. She hasn't been afraid to put two colours together that you wouldn't normally put together, and I feel that the contrast between the two is extremely eye catching and unique. As I am designing greetings cards, I evidently want something that stands out to the customer on a shelf, and colour is one way that I could do this. I will therefore take inspiration from this piece, and see how it comes together in terms of my own designs.

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