Friday 9 November 2012


Really lovely range of stock colours that show a range of possibilities for a final end product. Would be nice to work with a number of possible colour schemes, although I think these even work as a set despite the vast array of shades. Foiling has also been used on the logo, which is a process I am keen on trying. It adds an extra dimension to the publication and is an eye catching effect. 

Range of products produced for this outcome. This is something that I need to work on as all areas of possible items should be exhausted. CDs, posters and badges are just some of the things that could be included. The colour scheme, however, does not work for me. I have always had an issue with yellow and black as I personally hate seeing them together.

Possible binding techniques. Intricate and small details such as this add a lot to a publication. It shows time, care and consideration.

It is really interesting to see publications that use different formats within a format. It adds a certain level of interaction, giving it a playful feel.

More binding techniques.

Further exploration of different formats. It would be nice to see how this would work in having things that could be removed from the publication, for example postcards or posters. It is an interesting way of building up a range of possible products.

Exploration of folding techniques that allow the colour of the publication to be viewed on closure. 

How you can create interaction within publications, even if it is as simple as cutting pieces out to create pattern and objects.

Iinspiration and Development from AHA! on cargocollective

Possible binding technique for a publication that is a lot thicker. This needs to be taken into consideration as the thicker the book, the trickier it becomes to bind and the trickier it becomes to print. Pages may get lost or mishapen. Also a really nice way of exploring colour. 

Ways of displaying binding techniques within a publication through the use of simple illustration.

AHA! publication, manual

Consideration of different formats. How will text and image look within a publication that is not of standard format. With this you would need to consider whether or not this was appropriate to the content, as you don't really want to have a print manual/handbook that couldn't include much on a page.

Spin, Supergraphics

Exploration of how to include all colour images within a publication that already has it's own colour scheme. As the publication we are printing has to include CMYK and RGB, colour is an important factor. Will a colour scheme be plausible? The above example seems to be effective, and the chosen background colour is a really nice touch to the entire format as it appears to make the images stand out. 

Rob van Hoesel, GDFB mupi-project

Sofia Leite, Sunday Boring Sunday

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