Tuesday 20 March 2012

WHAT IS A LINE - Nabokov Collection

John Gall's re-designing of the 21 Vladimir Nabokov's book covers.

John Gall's re-designs of the Vladimir Nabokov books are visually stunning, and show an innovative way of laying out a book. Each cover consists of a specimen box that reflects Nabokov's passion for collecting butterflies and insects, as well as creating a brilliant canvas and workspace for the ideas involved. 
The beauty of collage is all about creating things that can be scanned, printed, re-scanned, cut out and so on to create wonderful effects. Although there is beauty in something hand made, it is always quite intriguing to see it digitised and on screen. 
The covers are extremely tactile, and will hopefully be of use when it comes to creating my own. The combination of hand craft and digital is something to be explored, in order to find out how to achieve engaging outcomes. 

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