Tuesday 20 March 2012

WHAT IS A LINE - existing book covers

In order to work out how to approach this brief, it was essential to search out some books that already incorporated collage and found-objects/papers etc into their design. This may be digital, or done by hand.
The Book Cover Archive was a brilliant place to start as you can search for a cover by designer, titles and so on. With well over 1,000 covers, it wasn't long before the use of collage and cut-out image started to appear in a range of different formats.

(Designers from top: Alex Camlin, Erin Kirk New, Ken Baumann, Megan Wilson, Peter Mendelsund, Rodrigo Corral, Timothy Goodman, Ann Weinstock, Laura Oakden, Peter Mendelsund, Ben Pieratt, John Gall and Ned Drew x 4, John Gall, Peter Mendelsund x 3, Isaac Tobin)

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