Sunday 25 March 2012

THEORY TO PRACTICE - publication crit

After a crit with Jo, it was decided that the best way forward wasn't by focusing on just one piece of content in particular. Although it may get rather complicated when it comes to pulling the content together for a large number of artists and designers, this will be made much easier through the use of categorisation. 

The idea of it being rather comical was accepted and taken well, however, I need to refine how exactly it is I'm going to word it, and how it's going to relate to existing dating websites - if it will at all.
I need to make sure that all my content is in there, as well as keeping it aesthetically pleasing and having that humorous touch to it.

I went away from this crit a little bit confused about what exactly my theory was. I assumed that the 'stuff' about the designers and so on was the theory, however I am slightly unsure about this now. My plan was therefore to categories them according to lecture, therefore the theory part would come from this.

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