Wednesday 14 March 2012


Brief B: World with a Future

Much of the Royal Mail stamp programme commemorates the past – anniversaries of events and achievements, as well as birth dates of great individuals throughout history. This design brief is about looking forward; to making sure that our future is bright and that the resources of the planet are used responsibly.

According to research by WWF, globally, people are using about 25% more natural resources than the planet can replace. In the UK, we consume three times our fair share of the earth’s natural resources. To continue on that path is not sustainable.

The goal is to produce stamps that change the mindsets of the consumer to undertake practical activities for the future and think of innovative ways to optimise energy and reduce waste in our day-to- day lives. The mantra to employ should be reduce, then reuse and only then recycle.

Explore aspects such as energy conservation, low impact transport, eco- friendly products, zero-carbon housing, reducing water over-consumption, and educating the next generation for a stronger future. Use the stamp as a means of encouraging consumers to make changes from today onward.

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