Thursday, 9 May 2013

RIOT GRRRL - range of products


As part of a product range, I wanted to include items that were relevant to my content and the publication. Zines usually come with little extras and keepsakes when purchased from the author, and therefore this is something that I felt was necessary. I therefore decided to come up with some badge designs that reflected my publications and could be included as part of a pack.

I purchased some blank badges, and sent my desired designs to be printed on them. I decided on five 25mm x 25mm badges, each with a separate image. I emailed in order to make sure my order was correct and that it would arrive on time.

Badge images

Re-sealable bag

As well as my badges, I also decided that I wanted to purchase something that I could keep all of my zines enclosed in, as well as my extras. I felt that a resealable clear bag would be the most appropriate to my content and aesthetics and therefore purchased a number of these which I could use.

The ones I purchases were 10in x 8 in, which would fit an A4 in. Although my zines are A5, I wanted to make sure that all three would fit in the bag, as well as other products. 

CD case

As part of my product range I want to include a CD that has a range of music on it. Evidently, the music included will be relevant to the subject and will include bands associated with the Riot Grrrl movement. 


I am also going to include a range of stickers that will come as part of the zine pack. Stickers are extremely relevant to the content and offer the chance of creating your own designs and publications. They are part of the whole DIY aesthetic, and allow individuals to display their beliefs and interests. 

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