Monday 11 March 2013

WHAT IS GOOD - price comparison

In order to get an idea of how much baking essentials cost in today's supermarkets, I decided to go onto With this website, the idea is you can shop online, whilst comparing prices allowing you to find the best offers in leading online stores. On average, each customer will save £17 every time they shop.

Participating stores include: Sainsbury's, ASDA, TESCO and Waitrose

I chose to put essential baking items into the basket, however, it must be noted that I evidently could not choose own brands. It may be the case that the final price would have been lower if the supermarket's own branded products were used, as these tend to be cheaper than well-known brands.

As you add products to your basket, on the right hand side you can see the overall price for each supermarket. As the prices change, the supermarkets go up and down in terms of which is most expensive. It also states how much you have saved at the bottom.

These are the final products I placed in the basket. These included:
- butter
- margarine
- free range eggs
- milk
- yeast
- filo pastry
- icing
- pre made cake mix
- syrup
- flour
- sugar
- chocolate

The overall cheapest price for all these goods came from TESCO at £29.22, closely followed by ASDA. This is a great way of seeing how and where you can save. As many people have taken up baking due to the recession and certain social situations, it is an ideal way of getting the most from your money.
This website also offers the customer's vouchers for certain stores, depending on whether or not there are any available.

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